Sunday - Jun 5, 8:28pm CDT Current Conditions: Clear & 81°F
We had thunder storms this morning and it poured down rain in bucket full! Only thing the buckets musta had a hole in it. I think we musta had a little over an inch out our way! Yes sir re bob! I hope the weathers better your way!!
RAIN!!!! We finally got some rain!! While we have had some flooding along the mississippi, that's all a gift from the Yankees and not from rain in the area. My yard was almost burned up and the clay was cracking great gaps all over the place. Got a good soaking today and the yard now looks normal. No more mini-Grand Canyon in the front yard!!
Accompanying Freedom is her constant and unattractive companion, Responsibility. Neither is she an only child. Patriotism and Morality are her sisters. They are inseparable: destroy one and all will die.
Sweeper: Get your account registered. It's free and all you need is a working email account.
Feb 5, 2017 13:14:26 GMT -5
Administrator: The user victorgrant which originated from India has been banned. If anyone clicked the links that were in that snowflakes posts check your computers for signs of infection. User and IP# has been turned over to Proboards.
Mar 25, 2018 18:21:21 GMT -5
princesshey: Hey H..I think I made it..I could use some of those extras...(hugs)...
Dec 23, 2018 18:47:52 GMT -5
back40: Sweeper your website has been a God sent for me. I can not express my gratitude to you for the opportunity to use and enjoy this website as I have: God Bless You!!!
Feb 17, 2022 17:54:14 GMT -5
back40: Gothic style printing
Jun 9, 2022 16:54:21 GMT -5