Post by Hoosier Hillbilly on Feb 24, 2014 17:21:46 GMT -5
www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/08/george-soros-australian-dollar_n_3236887.htmlExcerpt: George Soros may have just done it again. Rumors are circulating that the billionaire investor made $19 million in just 36 hours by betting that the Australian Federal Reserve would cut interest rates, the Sydney Morning Herald reports. On Monday a trader in Hong Kong believed to be from Soros’ investment firm placed a $1 billion bet on the Australian dollar dropping in value as a result of the rate cut -- a prediction that ultimately came true a day and a half later. What’s more is that it appears the mystery trader made the bet three times, raking in a total of nearly $60 million. Sydney Morning Herald www.smh.com.au/business/markets/is-soros-shorting-the-dollar-20130506-2j3nr.html The history of George Soros: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soros_Fund_ManagementThe Obama-Soros connection: www.humanevents.com/2010/09/09/the-obamasoros-connection/Excerpt: This is the third installment of a five-part series on how Barack Obama is America’s number one threat to national security. The first shots in the Obama Revolution, the highly unlikely campaign that elevated an inexperienced former Chicago community organizer born in Hawaii and raised in Indonesia into the Oval Office, were fired at the Long Island Southampton beach house of billionaire hedge fund manager George Soros.